Enabling a Digital Driving Experience with End-to-End Cyber Security

Enabling a Digital Driving Experience with End-to-End Cyber Security

The automotive industry is in the midst of a digital revolution – and this transformation is powered by software. Software-defined vehicles (SDVs) are setting the tone for the industry, accompanied by massive resource investments of OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers in software development.

We see CARIAD as a leader in this new software-driven world. We also share your vision around the development of a unified software platform and technology stack that will transform the car into a digital experience that seamlessly integrates with our digital lives. This will require universal connectivity and making vehicle data available anytime, anywhere. 

To enable automotive innovation in SDVs with minimum risk, each line of code, autonomous function, software-based service or OTA update must have the proper cyber security measures in place. For these reasons, cyber security and data privacy are becoming just as important as functional safety and quality for many OEMs. 

PlaxidityX understands these challenges and offers products that help  secure this digital transformation.

The Escalating Challenge of Automotive Cyber Security in the Digital Era

As our cars become more connected and software-defined, they are exposed to greater cyber security risk. New vulnerabilities are published regularly, impacting millions of vehicles across virtually all brands. By exploiting specific vulnerabilities, bad actors can compromise safety-critical systems (e.g., braking), access personal data, or even start a car from a remote location. 

In January 2022, 25 Tesla’s were hacked simultaneously by a 19-year-old IT specialist, who exploited a vulnerability in a third-party app that some Tesla owners use. But this hack is only the tip of the iceberg. If it’s possible to compromise two dozen vehicles through a third-party app, just imagine the consequences of a cybercriminal gaining remote control over an entire vehicle fleet and demanding a huge ransom payment to unlock the vehicles. With over 493 million ransomware attacks on organizations’ IT networks in 2022 (source: Statista), such a scenario is becoming ever more likely. The latest trend in car theft – a hacking technique known as “CAN Injection”- allows thieves to unlock, start and steal a car in under two minutes without access to a key. 

The financial damage to OEMs from cyber attacks could be significant, from costly recalls and regulatory issues to liability and brand/reputation tarnishing. 

Compliance with Automotive Cyber Security Regulations and Standards is a Must

PlaxidityX is partnering with companies like yours to secure automotive software from the rising cyber threats. This includes helping OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers ramp up their cyber security capabilities, as well as implementing systems to help them comply with emerging automotive cyber security regulations, industry standards and best practices. These comprise global directives like UNR 155, ISO/SAE 21434 and Chinese GB/T, as well as myriad local regulations and standards that must be met to sell their vehicles in specific markets.

UNR 155, for example, requires that all OEMs in relevant counties implement a risk-based management framework (aka CSMS) for detecting and protecting against cyber threats throughout the vehicle life cycle. By July 2024, all new or existing vehicle types will be subject to UNR 155 type approval for cyber security. As you are surely aware, this milestone has triggered intensive activity across the automotive value chain, as OEMs demand that their software suppliers bake cyber resilience into their vehicle design, development, operation and maintenance processes. 

PlaxidityX: End-to-End Security Products for a Digital World

PlaxidityX is an established end-to-end solution provider for the automotive industry. Our embedded and cloud-based software products, technologies and services help OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers secure vehicles and fleets throughout their product lifecycle, minimize risk and ensure compliance. These products include in-vehicle Intrusion Detection & Prevention Systems (IDPS) for ECUs, CAN and Ethernet networks, Vehicle Security Operations Center (VSOC), and Vehicle Vulnerability Management.

In addition to our widely deployed product portfolio, PlaxidityX offers a full range of cyber security compliance, engineering, testing and operations services that ensure vehicles are secured-by-design in accordance with industry standards and regulations (e.g., UNECE, NHTSA, GB/T, ASPICE) to strengthen manufacturers’ cyber security posture and facilitate compliance.

Keeping over 65 million vehicles safe worldwide, Argus’ end-to-end cyber security solutions are trusted by OEMs to ensure business continuity. Argus’ award-winning innovations are driven by over 600 man-years of cyber security and automotive research and have culminated in over 100 granted and pending patents. Our success can be attributed to our unmatched automotive cyber security expertise, a deep understanding of manufacturer priorities, and a responsive, flexible customer-focused approach.

Automotive Cyber Security as an Enabler for CARIAD’s Software Innovation

As vehicles and services become more technology-centric and software-focused, we believe that companies like CARIAD that integrate security by design into their software – from start to finish – will be at the forefront of automotive innovation in the years ahead. 

In addition to protecting SDVs against sophisticated cyber threats and helping to comply with industry regulations, automotive cyber security can also enable and facilitate software innovation. By unleashing the full potential of connectivity and data, the digital experience in our cars can become a seamless extension of our personal lives. 

As the digital automotive landscape evolves, OEMs’ ability to secure connected, electric and autonomous SDVs and to deliver innovations quickly will become a key competitive advantage.

Contact us to learn more about Argus’ automotive cyber security products or schedule a free demo.

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