A Keyless Heel: Security pitfalls in keyless entry system and their mitigations

A Keyless Heel: Security pitfalls in keyless entry system and their mitigations

From the traditional key fob to smartphone-based access using innovative technologies such as BLE, NFC, and UWB, Shaked Delarea and Shahar Shechter of PlaxidityX will discuss the various technological advancements of keyless entry systems.

In addition, the experts will review real-world case studies and attack scenarios that exploit the vulnerabilities of keyless entry systems to unlock the vehicle or start the engine, as well as various mitigation techniques introduced to counter these attacks.

Key topics and takeaways:

  • The evolution of technology used in implementing keyless entry systems
  • Security pitfalls and challenges encountered while implementing keyless entry systems
  • Mitigations to address keyless entry systems’ common security issues

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