Building a secure automotive future together

PlaxidityX’s go-to-market strategy is partner-driven to allow accelerated time-to-market for our customers. Together with our partners, we deliver end-to-end solutions that boost business value to meet customers’ needs.

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Contact Details

Let’s stay in touch (English only please).

Go Everywhere





29 Ha-Yetsira St., Ramat Gan, 5252171, Israel

45 Derech Ha’atzmaut St., Haifa 33034, Israel


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34705 W 12 Mile Rd Suite 100, Farmington Hills, MI 48331, United States




Elektrobit Automotive GmbH, Industriestrasse 23, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany

+49 173-4811565

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Osaki New City No.1 Building 16F, 1-6-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032, Japan

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South Korea

South Korea

1001 JS Tower, 184 Pangyoyeok-ro Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, 13524, Korea


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Ready to See Plaxidityx in Action?

“We chose PlaxidityX based on its proven experience, knowledge, methodology, and expertise..PlaxidityX’s ability to complete and submit in an extremely short time with top quality results, was critical for meeting our business goals”

Emrah Duman

“PlaxidityXs’ comprehensive suite of cyber security solutions and its outstanding array of strategic technological partnerships have contributed to the company’s leadership position”

Dorothy Amy

“The partnership with PlaxidityX enables our customers to perform cybersecurity testing on our established test platforms ..We are excited to partner with a strong and experienced cybersecurity service provider such as PlaxidityX”

Dr. Herbert Schütte

“By combining PlaxidityX’s expertise in securing connected vehicles with Microsoft’s Azure AI capabilities, we have a unique opportunity to accelerate ‘shift left’ security innovations across the entire automotive sector..”

Dominik Wee

“PlaxidityX is a key pillar of Continental’s SDV strategy, enabling Continental to implement a security-by-design approach. As automotive cyber security moves to the cloud, PlaxidityX’ cutting-edge technologies and proven VSOC capabilities position us advantageously to meet our customers’ future needs”

Gilles Mabire